Learn more about the foundation
In cooperation with external partners, the Fritz Henkel Stiftung primarily supports projects in the areas of education and equal opportunities as well as projects with a need for social action. In 2022, 211 projects were supported, amounting to 2 million euros in total donations. This also included the continuation of long-term established activities, for example in cooperation with the organizations Habitat for Humanity, Teach First Deutschland and Joblinge e.V.
We support social initiatives and public institutions worldwide through Social Partnerships. The main objective is to promote projects in education and thus strengthen equity and social cohesion.
Together with Social Impact, an agency for social innovation, the Fritz Henkel Stiftung supported organizations and projects aimed at improving the lives of migrants as part of our Social Startup Pitch. Its motto: “Creating participation.” Both partners strive to strengthen equity and social cohesion through cultural education. The Social Startup Pitch, in which various social startups presented themselves to a jury, focused on the social participation of people with a history of flight or migration through educational opportunities in a cultural environment. As part of the pitch event, four outstanding start-ups were awarded prize money totaling 100,000 euros.
10 years of Fritz Henkel Stiftung
January 12, 2021, Duesseldorf / Germany
Take responsibility, ensure equal opportunities, remove social barriers and support people on their path through life: This is what the Fritz Henkel Stiftung stands for, using a wide range of funding instruments. Supported or self-initiated – we are proud of our numerous projects, from the “Deutschland rundet auf” fundraising campaign to our solidarity program around the COVID-19 pandemic and the establishment of dual vocational training for socially disadvantaged children in El Salvador.
Learn more about the organizations, initiatives and projects that are dear to our hearts.
Learn more about our projects
Social Startup Pitch
Creating participation
Since 2024, Duesseldorf / Germany
For the second time, the Fritz Henkel Foundation is supporting founders and existing innovative projects that have set themselves the task of improving the social participation of people with a migration background and that rely on the power of art and culture to achieve this.
Special Olympics
Unbeatable together
2023, Berlin / Germany
More recognition and participation in society for people with disabilities through sports: this is the objective of the global inclusion movement Special Olympics. The highlight every two years is the Special Olympics World Games, which in June 2023 took place in Berlin. One of the sponsors was the Fritz Henkel Stiftung. In this way, we support sustainable inclusion in sports.
Social Startup Pitch
Creating participation
Since 2022, Duesseldorf / Germany
We support social startups and innovative projects that create more equal opportunities for people with a migration background.
Teach First Deutschland
Promoting equal opportunities
Since 2012, Berlin / Germany
The Fritz Henkel Stiftung is a sponsor of the non-profit education initiative Teach First Deutschland. The aim is to promote better educational opportunities. Because children and young people have a right to a good education, regardless of their parents’ social background and income.
Together against child poverty
Since 2017, Germany
Every child in Germany deserves a fair chance: the independent donation movement DEUTSCHLAND RUNDET AUF (Germany Rounds Up) has set itself the goal of sustainably combating child poverty in Germany. The concept: through a “salary donation”, employees from participating companies support projects to give socially disadvantaged children and young people a better future.
„DEIN Kunstpalast“
Social participation through cultural education
Since 2021, Düsseldorf / Germany
Just like a soccer pitch or a playground, a museum can also be a familiar and accessible place for everyone. At least that is the conviction of the Museum Kunstpalast foundation, which launched this cultural project together with the Fritz Henkel Stiftung. Since November 2021, the free event series “Dein Kunstpalast” (Your Art Palace) has been taking place about every two months.